We had plans to get out to the Lake MetroParks FarmPark, but the weather was just too chilly (especially for the Okies) to go out and see animals in the freezing cold! Instead we got all the kids bundled up in snowsuits and gloves and hats and played out in the front yard and driveway. The kids loved it and we had a lot of fun. Unfortunately, Ella had a few face-first topples into snow piles that she didn't like and Noah had a couple of ice slips that hampered his running momentarily : )
We were able to have a great time with friends all the while the kids slept upstairs (at least for part of the night!) and everyone lived to tell the tale. It's something that we have to try and plan to do more often with the locals - having triplets doesn't mean that we have to be strapped down by the house or schedules! (now I have to try convincing Christi of that...)
There are a few new things going on with the babies.
Logan has a few words: "ball", "go", "bay-bay" ( = belly! )
Paul finally goes down the slide on his butt (rather than cautiously turning around and going down on his stomach) and he hugs constantly - he loves the
Ella is a laugher - she belts out some laughs that are loud and intended to get your attention : ) She rolls her eyes at random moments. We're not sure exactly what she's trying to convey, but it's extremely cute!