Wow...it's been almost 3 months since my last comments!
Well, what's happened? We've had a triplet birthday party, Logan has been walking for over a month now and Ella still has no teeth! The nights are getting better - Paulie sleeps through the night most of the time (since switching to soy milk), Logan sleeps through
ANYTHING and Ella makes it through most nights unless she loses her bink or gets her leg caught in the slats of her crib!
These guys are eating everything in sight : )
And from what we hear, they won't stop anytime soon! Gallons of milk per week and they haven't even started eating cereal with milk yet! (and for anyone that knows my cereal eating habits, you'll recognize the sheer volume of food about to be consumed!)
The daily grind is still adventurous with naps (or lack thereof) and feedings and newfound temper-tantrums! Christi does an amazing job with everything keeping these guys on a pretty steady schedule:
8am: wake-up call and breakfast started
8:30 - 9:30am: morning playtime
9:30am: snack (usually breakfast bar or oatmeal or fruit)
10:30-12pm: naptime (hopefully)
12pm: wake-up call and lunch
12:30-2pm: afternoon playtime
2pm: snacktime (cookies or crackers or fruit)
2:30-4pm: naptime (again -
5pm: dinner
5:30pm: dad comes home for playtime!
5:30-7pm: some or all of the following [playing, outside playtime, bathtime, crying, mom & dad dinner (
7pm: snacktime
7:30pm: nightime bottles
7:30-8pm: pjs and bedtime
so a couple quick comments in my first post in awhile:
- thank you to everyone for the help and generosity for the babies' birthday party! it was a great day and we're very grateful for everyone and for the babies to have been so well behaved! we're still in shock at how much they've grown and changed and how much they amaze us everyday, but i think we're enjoying it as much as possible and trying to remember all of the crazy things they do : )
- people sometimes say the strangest things to multiples parents....it's just crazy. we'd read about some of the comments, but nothing can prepare you for those situations. we've ventured out a little more lately and heard many questions and comments....here are some of the common ones and some strange ones:
- "oh!!! were you on fertility???".....okay - first of all, none of your business; second of all, why is that not only okay to ask but to use it as your "icebreaker" question right out of the gate? just ridiculous.
- "they don't look alike" AND "oh my gosh, they look so much alike"....i think either one of these comments are ones that you blurt out without meaning - you're just searching for something to say. on the other hand, the three of them do have distinctive looks while keeping the brother/sister resemblance - so i guess i could understand where it comes from.
- "her [Ella's] feet are really big".....really? in comparison to what? have i judged the size of your feet, buddy? uggghhh
- "he [Paulie] looks so serious".....this one's just funny b/c he is so serious. he can't "pretend" to be jolly around strangers - he looks you up and down and does a background check before he lets his guard down!
- "this one [Logan] has a TON of hair"....again, funny b/c it's true. Logan has had two haircuts and still looks like a hippie, while Paul and Ella are still rocking original locks!
Ok, that's all for now.....I'll try and stay on top of this thing a little more b/c I know that I've been getting questions about what's going on!
Take care,